Other contributions
- Convening of Ministerial Coordinating Committee meetings for developing harmonized COVID-19 response protocol and enhance communication, coordination and collaboration needed for mitigating the effects of the pandemic.
- Raising funds for COVID-19 regional response efforts far surpassing the target amount of $51 million US dollars with the support of partners, and internal funding.
- WAHO recommended a harmonized approach, related to testing and entry protocols, costs of tests and digitization of test results for regional travel to minimize fraudulent results and protect citizens.
- WAHO conducted webinars with the use of experts to train over 3,000 health practitioners and frontline workers in areas including laboratory and diagnostics, and infection control.
- WAHO support and continues to support the Institut Pasteur in Dakar in producing rapid diagnostic test kits and discussing ways of maximizing IPDs role in producing COVID-19 vaccines in the region.