DG WAHO and Mme Jo Lessler-Oltheten, Director USAID West and Central Africa

DG WAHO and Mme Jo Lessler-Oltheten, Director USAID West and Central Africa today at Lancaster Hotel in Ouagadougou. Discussions centered around the new WAHO in-Lead Capacity Building Project funded by USAID.

The DG thanked USAID for their unflinching support to WAHO  for the past years especially in the area of capacity building and health strengthening.





Organização de Saúde da África Ocidental
01 BP 153 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 / Burkina Faso
(226) 20 97 01 00 / (226) 20 97 57 75
(226) 20 97 57 72