The health systems of the countries are now faced with enormous challenges, notably low health infrastructure coverage, inadequate and outdated medical equipment, lack of maintenance culture, insufficient qualified human resource and finance. Moreover, there is a lack of equipment and maintenance policy for the health sector in some countries in the region.
Problem Statement
Insufficient health infrastructure coverage, inadequate and outdated medical equipment and weak maintenance culture affect the quality of health service delivery.
Programme Objective
Improve the availability and quality of health infrastructure and equipment.
Programme Outcomes
Availability and quality of health infrastructure and equipment improved.
Programme Components
- Development of health infrastructure and equipment.
- Maintenance of infrastructure and equipment
Specific Objectives
- Improve the availability of health infrastructure and equipment
- Strengthen the maintenance culture within countries
Major Interventions
- Promotion of maintenance of Infrastructure and Equipment
- Strengthening public and private health infrastructure
- Strengthening procurement, supply and distribution
Intermediate Outcomes
- Regional programme for maintenance of biomedical equipement implemented
- Guide for health infrastructure development revised and adapted
- Public and private health infrastructure built or rehabilitated
- Procurement, supply and distribution of equipments strengthened