
Medicines are inaccessible for the majority of West Africans. This inaccessibility contributes to the persistence and spread of diseases in the ECOWAS region. Although production capacity exists in the region, most of the medicines are still imported. Furthermore, production and efficacy of medicines and vaccines depend on several factors among which  are, an effective regulatory regime, enforcement of legislation, quality control, pharmacovigilance and safety, adequate application of intellectual property flexibilities, procurement and storage systems, prescription, delivery and rational use of medicines, development of capacities in specialised human resources as well as innovation, research and development.

Problem Statement       

The inadequate accessibility of medicines, vaccines and other health products, limits universal health coverage in the region.

Programme Objective  

Improve access to essential medicines, vaccines and other health products.

Programme Outcomes:

Access to essential medicines, vaccines and other health products improved

Programme Components 

  • Medicines,
  • Vaccines,
  • Other health products

Specific Objectives 

  • Srengthen the capacities of pharmaceutical units in the region including the National Medicines Regulatory Authorities;
  • Facilitate the integration of intellectual property flexibilities into national policies and legislation;
  • Faciliate the development and implementation of policies for promoting innovation, research and development of pharmaceutical products;
  • Improve access to quality medicines

Major Interventions  

  • Supporting local pharmaceutical production
  • Strengthening the procurement and distribution chain
  • Building capacities for regulation and the regional harmonization process
  • Improving quality assurance systems
  • Strengthening strategies for controlling counterfeiting and the illicit trade in medicines and vaccines
  • Implementation of intellectual property rights on pharmaceutical products;
  • Strengthening innovation, research and development of medicines, vaccines and other health products.

Intermediate Outcomes     

  •  Regional strategy of procurement in medicines and vaccines developed
  •  Regional security stock of medicines, vaccines and other health products strengthened;
  • Pharmaceutical raw materials exempted from all taxes;
  • Capacities of quality control laboratories improved;
  • Capacities of National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authorities strengthened;
  • Centre for research in bioequivalence and biopharmacy established;
  • WAHO’s system for certification and pre-qualification established
  •  A web site for better sharing of information on pharamceutical data developed. 
  • A harmonized regional strategy for pharmacovigilance developed.
  • A situational analysis of counterfeiting and illicit trade in medicines, vaccines and other health products in the region conducted.



GMP Roadmap - Togo

GMP Roadmap - Sierra Leone

GMP Roadmap - Senegal

GMP Roadmap - Nigeria

GMP Roadmap - Niger

GMP Roadmap - Mali

GMP Roadmap - Liberia

GMP Roadmap - Guinée

GMP Roadmap - Ghana

GMP Roadmap - The Gambia

GMP Roadmap - Côte d'Ivoire

GMP Roadmap - Cabo Verde

GMP Roadmap - Burkina Faso

GMP Roadmap - Benin


Sample Schedules

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers for HIV

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers for Life Saving Medicine

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers of Anti-TB Medicine

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers for Reproductive Health

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers for NTD

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers of Antibacterial Medicine

EOI_WA-MRH_Invitation to Manufacturers of Medicinal Products for Malaria

WA-MRH Regional Joint Medicines Assessment Procedure

West African Health Organization
01 BP 153 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 / Burkina Faso
(226) 20 97 01 00 / (226) 20 97 57 75
(226) 20 97 57 72