WAHO Health Experts' charged to make recommendations to solve the region's challenges

Date: 2017-06-14 06:37:15 ID: 1642

Abuja, Nigeria, June 14 ' Health experts in West Africa have been enjoined to come up with recommendations that can boost the activities of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) in the region.

The Director General of WAHO, Dr. Xavier Crespin, made the call on Tuesday, June 14, 2017, at the opening ceremony of the Health Experts' Committee Meeting at the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja, Nigeria, ahead of the Assembly of Health Ministers billed for Friday, June 16.

He described the two-day meeting as an important one that prepares draft resolutions and strategic framework to be submitted to the Assembly of Health Ministers for adoption.

Dr Crespin charged the experts to look at the health challenges confronting the region and recommend ways of solving them. During the meeting, experts are expected to receive and adopt the report of the Liaison Officer's meeting held on Monday.

Also, the meeting will look at the status of recommendations made in 2016 as well as adopt WAHO's Annual Report. More importantly, the experts will make resolutions and prepare drafts on the following:

- The use of evidence in developing health policies, plans, SOPs
- West African network of national research for health ethics committees
- roles and functions of regional reference national laboratories
- regional non communicable diseases
- public-private partnership strategic framework

These draft resolutions will be presented to the Ministers on Friday for adoption.

Par HARVEY, Plaidoyer & Communication

    West African Health Organization
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