Lomé, Togo - July 22, 2024. The launch workshop of the "WAHO In-Lead Capacity Activity" project, a three-day workshop bringing together health leaders and experts from West Africa, commenced at the hotel 2 February. Organized primarily to enhance the institutional and leadership capacities of the West African Health Organization (WAHO), the workshop also aims to harmonize regional health policies and promote best practices.
The inaugural ceremony was attended by various dignitaries and representatives of renowned organizations, including Mr. Marc H. Germain, USAID representative in Togo. In his opening speech, Mr. Marc H. Germain underscored the crucial importance of effective collaboration and adaptive learning for the sustainable success of the project.
Dr. Melchior Athanase J.C. AÏSSI, Director General of WAHO, expressed gratitude to USAID for their technical and financial support enabling the implementation of the project to strengthen WAHO's institutional capacities. He highlighted the project's commitment to improving access to quality health services and enhancing public health emergency preparedness in the ECOWAS region. This project, launched on December 1, 2023, for a five-year period, aims to position WAHO as a regional leader in health, accelerate healthcare access, strengthen crisis response capacities, and promote organizational excellence through various initiatives.
Representing the Togolese Minister of Health, Mr. Balogou KOFI reiterated the government's support for the institution, emphasizing the project's significance in improving health services for the local population.
Participants included teams from USAID, PROPEL HEALTH, GIZ, FTO TOGO, CRS, as well as directors and professionals from WAHO and financial managers from several ECOWAS member countries.
Dr. Namoudou KEITA, project lead for WAHO In-Lead Capacity Activity, presented the workshop objectives, emphasizing the need for strategic coordination and knowledge-sharing among partners.
Throughout the day, technical details about project activities were presented, along with discussions on the monitoring and evaluation plan and communication strategies for initiative success.
The workshop will continue over the next two days with interactive sessions on Collaboration, Learning, and Adaptation, as well as group discussions facilitated by key project stakeholders, aimed at harmonizing approaches and optimizing synergies to address common health challenges in the region.