Press Release

WAHO ready to support any initiative for sexual and reproductive rights in West Africa

Date: 2017-09-29 16:46:14 ID: 1718 N’Djamena, 28 September 2017 – A delegation of the West Africa Health Organisation, (WAHO), led by its Deputy Director General, Dr Laurent ASSOGBA, participates from 28 to 30 September 2017, in Ndjamena, in a Regional Advocacy Workshop on issues of Sexual and Reproductive Health in West Africa, organised by the NGO CARE International, with technical...

The Director General of WAHO given audience at the presidential palace in Togo

Date: 2017-09-28 19:28:46 ID: 1717 Lome, 28 September 2017 – His Excellency Mr. Faure Essozimna GNASSINGBE, gives audience to the Director General of the West Africa Health Organisation (WAHO), Dr Xavier CRESPIN. The DG of WAHO gave an overview of the regional health situation, the major achievements and interventions since the beginning 2017, the current challenges in the implementation of...

Technical capacity building in laboratory testing in the ECOWAS region: WAHO and ECOWAS member States at a meeting to develop a regional strategic plan for laboratories

Date: 2017-09-28 18:15:52 ID: 1716 Lome, 28 September 2017 – The deliberations of the workshop to develop a regional strategic plan for laboratories in ECOWAS started in Lome (Togo) this Thursday 28 September 2017, in the presence of representatives of the Ministries of health of ECOWAS countries, and several representatives of technical and financial partners, as well as members of...
West African Health Organization
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