Press Release


ECOWAS Is 45 Years ECOWAS is celebrating 45 years of its creation this 28 May 2020. THEME: 45 years of solidarity for the West African people SUB THEME 1: Promoting socioeconomic and human development together through regional integration SUB THEME 2: Combating COVID-19 together in West Africa Founding Fathers

WAHO Is Organizing The 8th WA-MRH Regional Steering Committee Virtually

WAHO Is Organizing The 8th WA-MRH Regional Steering Committee Virtually The West African Health Organization (WAHO) is convening the 8th Steering Committee Meeting of the West African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (WA-MRH) Project. This will be held virtually from 28 to 29 May, 2020. The objective is to review the status of the implementation of the recommendations made during the Mid-Term...

Prof Stanley Okolo, WAHO DG Speaks on COVID-19: "We remain optimistic"

Prof Stanley Okolo, WAHO DG Speaks on COVID-19: "We remain optimistic" Less impacted than the rest of the world, Africa is also suffering from the coronavirus pandemic. There are some who predict several million deaths in Africa. In the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), each country has its own response plan, but the West African Health Organization (WAHO),...
West African Health Organization
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